Our long, national nightmare is over!
Or rather, after receiveing many, MANY DVDs for Christmas, we've finally managed to burn our way through most of them and can once again return to renting TV shows from Netflix! Hurray! (We were so back-logged for a while, we shifted to watching only movies in an effort to not add Netflix-guilt to our existence.) To celebrate, we've bumped the remaining discs of "It's Gary Shandling's Show - Season 1" to the top of our queue. Sean really enjoyed this show when it originally aired on Fox in the late 80s. It mostly holds up all these years later, and makes for enjoyable, light watching.

Also, we've got a PBS documentray, co-driected by Ken Burns on "Frank Lloyd Wright." Often touted as the most influential and important American architect of all time, this doc features in-depth look at Wright's body of work from his -frequently turbulent - 92 years.