So this Oscar season has been a bit of a "meh" season for me.  Not a lot of "buzz" movies out there I'm dying to see and my favorite movie of the year so far?  Toy Story 3.  I did enjoy Inception and The Social Network quite a lot as well, so I'm not completely out of the loop, but it is sure that I will not complete last year's feat of having seen all 10 nominees before Oscar night.  Oh well..  

Let this serve as the official reminder and welcome that the Oscar pool will begin anew THIS TUESDAY, the 25th, around 9am.  You can vote right here on this site.

Here's the Rules: 

Don't not vote the official nominations are announced Tuesday, January 25th around 9:00am.  What you see on this site before them is just guesswork to make for less typing that morning.

After the nominees are announced, you have approximately 36 hours to enter.  Entries must be received before 11:59pm on Wednesday the 26th.

Pick only one winner for each category.  At the bottom of the form, you may choose a second winner in one -and only one - category.  Please list the category you are choosing as well as the winner. If you choose not to take advantage of this: sucks to be you.

All entries must be accompanied by a $5 entry fee.  If you don't have my address, I will email you with it when I receive your entry.  

NEW THIS YEAR: Your $5 entry fee must be mailed within 1 week of entering the pool.  I'm tired of tracking people down all the way up to Oscar night and my loan shark is out of town.  So, no busting knee caps this year - If I don't have your money by February 1st, you are out.    (They don't call me Oscar Nazi for nothing!)

Looking forward to seeing everyone's entries!